Norwegian disaster film THE WAVE features some very impressive special effects but is sunk by its cliché-ridden narrative.
The Yard
THE YARD is another conceptually and visually impressive work from Swedish director Måns Månsson on the effects of globalisation on labour.
Gold Coast
GOLD COAST grounds its recreation of the 19th-century West African slave trade in powerful images, music and characterisation that make it utterly contemporary.
The Together Project
Genuine beauty and a sense of playfulness make THE TOGETHER PROJECT, the last rom-com by the late Sòlveig Anspach, an entertaining and touching story despite its implausibilities.
All Inclusive
Hella Joof’s ALL INCLUSIVE is an enjoyable, if light, romantic comedy that shines in its positive portrayal of female sexuality.
Hello Hello
With deliberately small stakes, surprising humour and a brilliant lead performance, HELLO HELLO is a sophisticated treat from writer-director Maria Blom.
Paris of the North
Icelandic drama PARIS OF THE NORTH is a slow meditation on the mundanity of countryside life and the apathy that it creates.
Out of Nature
Norwegian dramedy OUT OF NATURE feigns at self-evaluation, taking the audience through the internal monologue of a dull egotist grappling with his general malaise.
Armi Alive!
ARMI ALIVE!, an intricately constructed character study of Marrimekko founder Armi Ratia, succeeds when it has us in its grasp, falling into the layers of story upon story, draping over us like the elegant fabrics of Marimekko
Young Sophie Bell
YOUNG SOPHIE BELL is a perfect Instagram feed of a film – sights and sounds doused in pretty colours, all style and no substance.