Ahead of the Animation Showcases at Sydney Film Festival, Dominic Barlow takes a closer look at a highlight from last year’s presentation, Bobby de Groot’s CRUISE PATROL.
Giacchino Ascending: How Hollywood’s Best Composer Won 2015
Across four terrific feature film scores, 2015 marks the greatest period of Michael Giacchino’s career to date.
Salvation (dir. Paul Cox, 2008)
With FORCE OF DESTINY having screened across the country, Dominic Barlow takes a look at Paul Cox’s last dramatic effort, which takes bizarre pot shots at evangelical religion.
Double Down (dir. Neil Breen, 2005)
Those who have seen DOUBLE DOWN want to believe they have the next THE ROOM on their hands, but director Neil Breen’s debut has stranger things to offer.
Autoluminescent: Rowland S. Howard (dir. Lynn-Maree Milburn and Richard Lowenstein, 2011)
AUTOLUMINESCENT looks at the life of post-punk icon, Rowland S. Howard, one of the legends of the Australian underground.
Blessed (dir. Ana Kokkinos, 2009)
Ana Kokkinos’ all-but-forgotten ensemble drama both carries the tics of Australian kitchen-sink dramas and rises above them.
“Know Thyself” – The Visionary Populism of the Wachowskis
The deeply sincere and awe-inspiring films of Lilly & Lana Wachowski fight against the norms of commercial studio cinema.
You Have To See… Bound (dir. Lilly and Lana Wachowski, 1996)
This week’s You Have To See… looks at the debut feature film from Lilly and Lana Wachowski, the ’90s neo-noir BOUND.
We Like Shorts, Shorts: The Eagleman Stag
In our first instalment of our new short film column, we look at Michael Please’s animated fable ‘The Eagleman Stag’
You Have to See… Me and Orson Welles (dir. Richard Linklater, 2008)
In this instalment of You Have To See… we look at Richard Linklater’s underseen and underappreciated 2008 nostalgia trip ME AND ORSON WELLES