In this instalment of The Anthology Series we look at the Romanian film Tales from the Golden Age from 2009, which gathers together six “urban legends” from the era of Romanian communism under Ceausescu.
Anthology Series 006: Dead of Night (1945)
In this instalment of The Anthology Series we look at one of the most influential horror portmanteaus in cinema, the British supernatural anthology DEAD OF NIGHT.
Anthology Series 005: The Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983)
In this weeks Anthology Series we look at the 1983 update of THE TWILIGHT ZONE, a film of extreme highs and embarrassing lows in an overall pretty fascinating project.
Anthology Series 004: Boccaccio ’70 (1962)
In out latest Anthology Series, Jake and Brad look at BOCCACCIO ’70, a look at love and sex in 1960’s Italy by four of the country’s most revered directors
Anthology Series 003: The Animatrix (2003)
For our third roundtable on anthology films we move into the world of anime with the 2003 spinoff film THE ANIMATRIX.
Anthology Series 002: The ABCs of Death (2012)
For our second look at anthology films, three of our writers endure the 26-director horror The ABCs of Death, perhaps one of the worst anthology films in recent memory.
Anthology Series 001: Tokyo! (dir. Michel Gondry/Leos Carax/Bong Joon-ho, 2008)
Our new roundtable series on anthology films launches with a discussion of the strange and (mostly) delightful TOKYO!, from directors Michel Gondry, Leos Carax and Bong Joon-ho.