Ryan Gosling’s directorial debut is a totally misguided, hollow, poorly constructed, derivative mess with virtually zero redeeming features alongside its questionable politics.
Age of Cannibals
Johannes Naber’s tone-deaf ‘satire’ of capitalism can’t decide whether to be an unfunny comedy or an uncompelling character study.
Son of the Congo
SON OF THE CONGO is Grantland’s inauspicious first foray into film production, a barely knee-deep look at Congo-born NBA star Serge Ibaka.
The Gunman
TAKEN director Pierre Morel delivers a bloated and borderline incompetent film in the Sean Penn-starring THE GUNMAN.
Michelle Joy Lloyd’s SUNDAY is a clumsy, awkward first feature packed with uncomfortable dialogue and poorly constructed characters.
MORTDECAI is tremendously unfunny, a messy and seemingly aimless modern incarnation of the marital detective hijinks seen in films like THE THIN MAN.
Fifty Shades of Grey
Inexplicably, Sam Taylor-Wood’s adaptation of FIFTY SHADES OF GREY pales in comparison to the book itself, lacking sexual tension and featuring an atrocious performance from Jamie Dornan.
Into The Woods
Rob Marshall’s star-studded Sondheim adaptation is a boring and gradually nonsensical traipse through familiar fairy tale narratives.
Taken 3
The third film in the TAKEN franchise is a bloated and by-the-numbers thriller, lifted only by its finale, which isn’t enough to save the film from being an utter waste of time,
Exodus: Gods and Kings
The plot line of Exodus: Gods and Kings is the done and dusted tale of the Book of Exodus. Despite this, Scott’s film needlessly reanimates a corpse with frillier effects, a bigger budget, and a cast that entirely betrays the story it tells, alongside the people and regions it depicts.