With an oddball performance from Christopher Lloyd, I AM NOT A SERIAL KILLER’s mix of teen tropes and horror gore mostly succeeds in its attempt at originality.
Dead Hands Dig Deep – An Interview with Jai Love
We spoke to Jai Love, the Sydney-based director of DEAD HANDS DIG DEEP, about the documentary’s iconic subject, death-rock frontman Edwin Borsheim, and the process of investigating his dark worldview.
Trash Fire
Richard Bates Jr.’s follow-up to SUBURBAN GOTHIC and EXCISION is a frightening exercise in suspense that turns realism and the mundane to its advantage.
57 Lawson – An Interview with Ben Ferris
We speak to Ben Ferris, director of 57 LAWSON and the Sydney Film School, about melding documentary with fiction and creating an egalitarian history of the city.
10th Sydney Underground Film Festival Line-up Revealed! (featuring Solondz, Sono, Smut & the Slenderman)
The full program for SUFF 2016 has been revealed, and it boasts all the smut, strangeness and eclecticism that attendees has come to expect.
What Lola Wants
WHAT LOLA WANTS is a well-meaning homage to the road movie that suffers from weak performances and a mostly uninteresting script.
Knock Knock
Keanu Reeves continues his recent glory run as the highlight of KNOCK KNOCK, an otherwise disappointing venture from director Eli Roth.
Digging Up The Marrow
Adam Green’s meta-found footage parody fails to land, a muddled mess lacking the necessary substance to capture a wider audience.
Dude Bro Party Massacre III
5 Second Film’s debut feature is a wonderful riff on the ’80s slasher movie jam-packed with hilarious content, amusing cameos and laced with a slew of subtle gags.
One on One
South Korean filmmaker Kim Ki-Duk offers few new ideas in ONE ON ONE, with the end result being a cliche-ridden and weak work from one of the country’s most recognised directors.