Conor Bateman speaks to filmmaker Bill Morrison about his latest film, DAWSON CITY: FROZEN TIME, which tells the story of American capitalism through the guise of a Gold Rush historicity.
Ride Like Lightning, Crash Like Thunder – An Interview with Fern Silva
We spoke with experimental filmmaker Fern Silva, whose 16mm work Ride Like Lightning, Crash Like Thunder recently screened at the Melbourne International Film Festival.
Cameraperson – An Interview with Kirsten Johnson
Kirsten Johnson’s documentary collage Cameraperson is one of the most interesting non-fiction works to hit Australian screens in years. We spoke to Johnson ahead of the film’s run at ACMI in Melbourne.
Operation Avalanche – An Interview with Matt Johnson
We spoke to Matt Johnson, director of OPERATION AVALANCHE, about his DIY filmmaking style and the perils of funding in Canada and abroad.
Tickled – An Interview with David Farrier and Dylan Reeve
We spoke to directors David Farrier and Dylan Reeve about their strange and mysterious documentary TICKLED, which screened at Melbourne International Film Festival.
Fear Itself – An Interview with Charlie Lyne
We spoke with director Charlie Lyne about the essay film, Twitter videos and his latest feature, FEAR ITSELF, which has its Australian premiere at the Melbourne International Film Festival.
Machine Gun or Typewriter? – An Interview with Travis Wilkerson
Travis Wilkerson’s latest experimental feature film, Machine Gun or Typewriter?, screens as part of the new Essential Independents Film Festival across Australia. During the festival run we spoke to Wilkerson about his filmmaking process, the political climate in America today, and the joys of the Korg Kaptivator.
Rocky Mountain Express – An Interview with IMAX Filmmaker Stephen Low
With the release of ROCKY MOUNTAIN EXPRESS on IMAX in Sydney we spoke to director Stephen Low about his career in large-format filmmaking and what he sees for the future of the industry.
The Wolfpack – An Interview with Director Crystal Moselle
We spoke with THE WOLFPACK director Crystal Moselle ahead of the film’s theatrical release in Australia.
Queen of Earth – An Interview with Director Alex Ross Perry
With QUEEN OF EARTH screening at the Melbourne International Film Festival, we spoke to writer/director Alex Ross Perry about his film, earnestness and what makes a good director.